The process of digitizing the photography funds of A.M.Gorky Museum continues, along with work on creating digital backup copies of funds of the Department of Manuscripts and A.M.Gorky Archive.
The following novel primary research areas were formed in the Institute academic practice: Russian literature from a cross-cultural point of view and international Russian studies in the context of international exchange; a thesaurus approach to literature and folklore studies (conceptology in critic coverage, historical and functional research of “eternal imagery”, etc.); interdisciplinary synthesis of philological instruments utilizing the methods of sociology, philosophy, art and religion studies, etc.; renewing the source base of literature studies and its updating utilizing modern technology (database creation, new approach to systemizing, etc.); research of the ‘literature industry’, mass belles-lettres works and literature of “cultural demand” and social order; development of the institutional history of literature of the 20th century on the basis of archive materials.
Innovative activities both in research and scholarly-organizational spheres that were put in practice in IWL RAS in 2013‒2015 allowed to develop a radically new programme of the Institute development for the next 5 years. This programme was presented by D.Ltt. V.V.Polonskiy during the Institute director elections in November 2015 and it received support of the majority of the staff, making its author the new head of IWL RAS. One can become familiar with its main theses by following this link: