Admission regulations
Head of the post-graduate education department: Sycheva Marina Nikolaevna
Room 12
Contact number: (495) 695-94-33
Admission regulations for post-graduate education
The federal state budget scholarly institution A.M. Gorky Institute of World Literature of the RAS (IWL RAS) admits post-graduate students for educational programmes with state accreditation on the specialty 45.06.01 “Linguistics and Literature Studies” on the basis of the Statute and in accordance with the license, granted by the Federal Service for Supervision in Education and Science.
IWL RAS was granted the right to perform educational activity in the field of professional training of post-graduate scholarly and educational staff with the highest qualification on the specialty 45.06.01 “Linguistics and Literature Studies” by the License № 002890 from 19 April 2012 given by the Federal Service for Supervision in Education and Science of the Ministry of Education and Science (valid indefinitely) and the certificate of state accreditation № 1541 given by the Federal Service for Supervision in Education on 2 December 2015 (valid until 2.12.2021).
The License allows the Institute to professionally train scholars and teachers with full accordance to the current spectrum of scientific officers’ specialties on the following primary educational programmes of higher education (specialties) on the basis of a unified specialty 45.06.01 “Linguistics and Literature Studies”:
№ Code Primary Specialty name
- 10.01.01 Russian Literature
- 10.01.02 Literature of Ethnicities of Russian Federation
- 10.01.03 Literature of Foreign Countries’ Ethnicities
- 10.01.08 Theory of Literature. Textology
- 10.01.09 Folklore Studies
Post-graduate students are admitted to programmes of specific scholarly and educational disciplines in accordance with primary educational programmes of higher education.
The following categories of students are eligible for the programmes of post-graduate scholarly and educational training in IWL RAS:
- Russian citizens with a major in linguistics and literature studies;
- Citizens of other countries with a major accepted in Russia and equivalent to Russian master or specialist degree or higher;
People with various disabilities are accepted on equal terms; however their psychological and physical conditions, individual abilities and general health are to be taken into consideration during the admission exams.
Admission is carried out within the range of the admission control numbers and is funded with yearly assignations from the federal budget, as well as by individuals and legal entities according to contracts on providing paid educational services, concluded before the admission.